Sunday 8 September 2013


So I went to hospital last night about collar bone as its still sticking out! Didn't wanna bother a&e so found a minor injuries unit at a smaller local hospital, would definitely recommend more people do this to take the pressures off a&e staff, a&e should be for emergencies, serious injuries and babies/toddlers etc but you get mongs in there with things like an aching back or a twisted sock.idiots.

So the collar bone injury is a sublaxation meaning it's partly pulled out of socket in the sternum , luckily the ligaments there are super strong apparently and saved it being pulled right out, they should tighten up within 6 weeks and pull the bone back, we will see! wod day at cf Teesside today and as usual I'm wrecked off lack of sleep, baby been poorly, I consider not going....then mtfu, get a bullet proof coffee down me and I'm off....

Wod : in pairs , only one working at a time..

3 rounds of

3 min wall balls
3 min sit ups
3 min kettlebell swings

Score 893 reps

Beauts this one, good blast.


Open gym day at cf Teesside.
Time to catch up on Tuesdays wod.

Wod: 15 min ladder

3 toe2bar
3 burpee over box jumps
6 ""
6 ""
9 ""
9 ""
And so on high as can go

Score 18+22 rxd

Man this was pretty tough for me, something about t2b get very difficult for me after a few rounds of them, think after the 9 I'm down to singles dropping off after each rep . Deffo need work on these should be getting to 15 unbroken I reckon :/

Thursday 5 September 2013


Ok ...think I've dislocated collar bone at the sternum end...mis timed one of the power cleans in hotshots wod the other night and the bar smashed down onto my collar bones, it hurt but didn't think anymore if it, next day noticed protruding bone from the sternum.
As its not that painful I conclude it's just a bit swollen and head off to the box for a wod.

Wod : for time

21 deadlift @ 100 kg
Run 400m
18 deadlift
Run 400m
15 deadlift
Run 400m
12 deadflift
Run 400m

Time 11:58 rxd

1st 21 deads where unbroken touch and go and felt strong, however this feeling of there hulk dissipated when I got back off the first run and that bar suddenly felt heavy!
Good wod and pleased with the time & the 21 unbroken!

Collar bone still sticking out at the sternum end hmmm :p

Monday 2 September 2013


Hotshots 19 hero wod.

Ok this wod took place for the rest of crossfit Teesside yesterday, I couldn't make it so been hanging out all Sunday checking Facebook looking for an open gym announcement. Mid afternoon and nothing announced so I decide on doing an evening session in the crosspit (my garage) , but....6pm ish and one of the coaches announces open gym @ 7pm! Woop ...I'm on it!

The hotshots 19 where a fire fighting crew who sadly lost their lives on a call out. This wod looks brutal and is gonna push me to my on, 19 firefighters lost their lives serving the public, this is for them!!

Wod : hotshots 19

6 rounds for time:

30 squats
19 power clean @ 60kg
7 dead hang pull ups
400m run

Time 35:38 rxd

Was expecting to turn up to a quiet gym and tackle this alone...I was wrong there was 3 other guys and a girl wanting to show their respect by smashing this on a Sunday night!! Love it! Awesome wod, definitely as tough as I thought!

R.I.P the hotshots 19.

Saturday 31 August 2013


Olympic lifting course.

Dave butterfield , coach at crossfit teesside , is putting on a 12 week course once a week concentrating on the two big Olympic lifts. Aside from another of our coaches callum cambell I doubt there's many people in the country who have progressed in oly lifting as much as Dave b in such a short time. He's a true technician of the lifts!

Now, if anyone needs help on tekkers in oly's me! Current pb's are 62kg snatch, and 80kg c&j , not mean figures by any stretch, the snatch was basically a muscle snatch and the jerk was pretty much a strict I ain't going any heavier without some technique ha!

I get there half hour early after sitting at home in my training gear watching crossfit games on YouTube for the past 2 hours, serious zone accessing going on there like! So as I'm early I'm off for a run to warm up, ten min later I'm back and the gym is on!

1st 6 weeks are dedicated to the snatch.

Start off with the burgener warm up , but nice and slow spending bit of time on each section. Onto some high hang snatch work with the pvc pipe, after bit  we move into an empty bar still focusing from the high hang and adding very small weight increments as we are ready, when we've found a nice comfortable weight not to heavy we are off into a 5 min tekkers on the clock, every 30 sec do 2 high hang snatches, got a little sweat on @ 30kg ha. We end the season with some heavy bottom hold squats, 3 seconds in the hole then explode up, working up to a 1rm , 95kg felt tough but maybe could of pushed for but more but session was ending so happy with that.

Good sesh.

Thursday 29 August 2013


Wendler strength session

nice easy sesh today following the wendler app

5-5-5 deadlift @ 94,108,122
5-5-5 shoulder press @ 35,41,46

Wednesday 28 August 2013


As usual last night before bed I was buzzing with ideas of how I'm gonna smash the box get in early bang some strength training in, smash the wod out, nail some mobility , maybe rescue some people from a burning building on the way home know how it is!

Reality is a different beast the next morning at 6am when the baby wakes and I've had about 5 hours sleep broken every so often by the baby wanting the dummy back in that she's flung on the floor a bit earlier....I'm telling you trying to get your training in with a baby and a job is no joke! Anyway I hit the box 8:30 for the wod.


7 rounds for time

7 front squats @ 70kg
7 chest to bar pull up
7 burpees

Time 18:10 rxd

Got a prob with my c2b just can't link them together something weird happens on the downward swing that kills momentum , must be in how I lunge the chest at the bar or something I dunno, so I do them all as singles just dropping off and jumping straight back on which is a huge timewaster I guess, could prob shave a few min off if can suss it, good wod tho pretty happy with the time, there was a 20 min time cap so glad to be under it.